24 Hours of Extreme Tethered Drone Flight !

A glimpse of the 24-hour flight in timelapse.

We recently tested our indigenously designed & built 'Tethered Drone & Tether Station' for a non-stop 24-hour flight in extremely challenging conditions. We are proud to release a one-minute clip of the 24-hour time-lapse flight video.

Aerial IQ is leading the way in India with its autonomous tether station technology, backed by 5 years of research and development and unparalleled technological innovation.

For 24 hours straight, the drone withstood intense heat up to 48°C and wind speeds ranging from a gentle 2 km/h breeze to powerful gusts of 45 km/h!

Through it all, the drone remained airborne, streaming live video and data via fibre optic data link the entire time.

This is a testament to our Tethered Drone technology’s durability, reliability and endurance.

Designed for 24/7 operation in the harshest conditions, our Tethered drones can handle extreme temperatures, high altitudes, high winds, rain, dust and more.

Perfect for security, surveillance, search & rescue, firefighting and many other applications where you need eyes in the sky around the clock.

#TetheredDrone #ExtremeDroneTest #24HourFlight #aerialIQ #HighWinds #DroneEndurance