Posts tagged Tethered Drone
Elevating Your Drone Experience: The Case for Choosing an Indian Tethered Drone OEM

As the world embraces the transformative capabilities of tethered drone technology, a rising star emerges in the realm of innovation: AERIAL IQ, an Indian Tethered Drone Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Dhananjay Chaudhary- Marketing Manager, Aerial IQ.

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Unveiling the Shadows: The Risks of Reseller Tethered Drone Solutions

The article highlights key considerations and benefits of choosing a Tethered Drone OEM, such as system robustness, product quality, direct after-sales support, customization capability, lower downtime, timely upgrades, competitive pricing, and the potential pitfalls of relying on third-party systems and providers. It also provides a list of questions to ask potential vendors to determine if they are offering a complete and well-designed Tethered Drone System.

The breakdown of Aerial IQ's AVIRAL Tethered Drone System into its main sub-systems, including the multi-rotor drone, ground tether station, tether cable, fail-safe mechanism, ground control station (GCS), and payload, helps readers understand the complexity and integration required for a reliable tethered drone solution.

Overall, the article is a valuable resource for anyone considering the acquisition of a tethered drone system, as it offers insights into the technological and operational aspects involved in making an informed decision. Is there something specific you'd like to discuss or explore further from the content of this article?

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Our Director for Marketing and Business development, Mr. Anant Dhir At The 146th Rath Yatra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

The utilization of Aerial IQ's Tethered drone platform, known as 'Aviral,' by the Gujarat Police for surveillance and security during the iconic Rath Yatra at the Jagannath Temple in Ahmedabad is a significant development. This demonstrates the integration of advanced technology into law enforcement operations.

The fact that the Gujarat State police received their Tethered drone platforms from Aerial IQ and are now deploying them for the first time during the Rath Yatra showcases their commitment to enhancing security measures. The Tethered drone technology offers unique advantages such as extended flight duration, stable positioning, and enhanced aerial coverage, making it well-suited for large-scale events like the Rath Yatra.

#RathYatra #AerialIQ #GujaratPolice #AviralTech #ProudMoment

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Action packed day 1 at Def Expo 2022

The Indian Defence forces have shown keen interest in a persistent aerial platform with extremely long endurance capabilities for security and surveillance purposes.

Aerial IQ is proud to showcase Aviral, a fully indigenous tethered drone platform which is made for this very purpose.

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Aviral - A persistent eye in the sky

Aviral is a state-of-the-art Persistence Platform used over the battlefield which stays aloft for extremely long periods while carrying various reconnaissance, surveillance, communications, and custom payloads.

It helps support operations at the tactical level and provides wide-area coverage over the area of interest, thus enabling HQ and local commanders make informed decisions.

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Immune to counter drone systems - Aerial IQ at Unmanned Aerial Systems India 2022

Immune to counter drone systems. Nor does it require to be controlled for flight as it is fixed at one spot.

Explaining Aviral the tethered Drone system to General V.K. Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State, Civil Aviation, Govt. Of India at Unmanned Aerial Systems India -2022, Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi.

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